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Thursday, 23 January 2014

Star Weave Tree Skirt.....Finished.

Another gift done. Love how these colour's came together. This is the same pattern I did for my mother n law before Christmas. It went together a lot quicker as I made sure I had my pieces going in the right direction. I made this with Batiks. They are such a rich colour. 

Tomorrow I have to concentrate on making a doll dress for my grand daughter. Reading the directions on making clothes are so different than making a quilt. I read it over last night and it didn't make much sense so I will make it the way I think it would go together.Sara will be down tomorrow night looking for that dress.  She picked the material out last weekend. 
We had a beautiful snow day yesterday. Love how clean everything looks.  


  1. How gorgeous! Beautiful fabrics.

  2. Very pretty! I never have been good about reading directions and them making sense. That is why I make quilts that I can figure out how the block goes together by just looking at it. I need pictures, not words.

  3. Wow! Stunning colours just pop.

  4. The colors go so well together! Cant wait to see it.

  5. Really love your colors, Marla!
