I am linking up with The Needle and Thread Network for W.I.P. Wednesday. One thing about joining this on Wednesday it gets me motivated to get something accomplished to show. The next two weeks will be slow as I will be away for warmer weather. Can't wait.
I had a good week getting things done. I bought this kit from Connecting threads a couple of years ago to make a baby quilt. There was enough material to make these two Quilts. My daughter n law Jodi's sister just had twin girls last week. I got one machine quilted today and hope to have the other done tomorrow. They are so cute. I love the material. I didn't make the original pattern but saw this one on the Missouri Quilting Club. I love watching the U tube for quilting ideas.
I also made a couple more sets of these towels to have on hand for a quick gift. I love how these towels look. I made a set for myself and they work great in my kitchen. One set is for my mother n law.

I also finished the other two baby quilts. They are both quilted and binded.
I am going on a quilting day with some friends on Saturday if the weather is permitting. The girls at my craft night and a few other ladies are meeting at their church to have a day of sewing. It should be fun. I am just taking another kit to work on. A Birthday gift I need for April.
Well head over to visit Monika to see what other wonderful things are over there.